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2022-04-25 行业标准 加入收藏


  高斯模糊 - 图形软件中广泛使用的效果,通常用于减少图像噪声和减少细节,或应用于重新加网以消除莫尔效应。高斯模糊使图像模糊以应用柔化效果。

  Gaussian Blur - a widely used effect in graphics software typically to reduce image noise and reduce detail or applied to re-screens to eliminate a moiré effect. A Gaussian Blur blurs an image to apply a softening effect.

  重影半色调 - 正常半色调,其密度已降低以产生非常微弱的图像。

  Ghost Halftone - Normal halftone whose density has been reduced to produce a very faint image.

  重影 - 出现在打印纸上的无意的微弱图像。化学重影是指微弱的图像从一张纸的正面转移到另一张纸的背面。机械重影是指在纸张同一面上出现重复图像的微弱图像。也可能是指打印图像因缺墨而显得太淡。

  Ghosting - An unintended faint image appearing on a printed sheet. Chemical ghosting refers to the transfer of the faint image from the front of one sheet to the back of another sheet. Mechanical ghosting refers to the faint image appearing as a repeat of an image on the same side of the sheet. Also may refer to a printed image appearing too light because of ink starvation.


  Gilding - Gold leafing the edges of a book.

  光泽纸 - 光泽纸是一种具有高光泽的涂层纸(大多数杂志使用光泽纸),因为它是用表面密封剂制成的,并且通常含有粘土。涂料纸限制墨水吸收到纸张表面,从而获得更清晰的图像,尤其是照片和其他半色调图像。与哑光纸相比,光泽纸不透明,体积更小,价格也更低。

  Gloss Paper - a gloss paper is a coated paper that has a high sheen (most magazines use gloss paper) as it is made with a surface sealant and often contains clay. Coating papers restrict ink from absorbing into the surface of the paper which allows for crisper images, particularly photos and other halftone images. Gloss papers are less opaque and have less bulk and are less expensive than Dull & Matte papers.

  光泽油墨 - 使用和印刷在涂层纸(主要是平版印刷和凸版印刷)上的油墨,例如油墨会干燥而不会渗透。

  Gloss Ink - Ink used and printed on coated stock (mostly litho and letterpress) such as the ink will dry without penetration.

  等级 - 用于区分印刷纸的通用术语,但其具体含义取决于上下文。等级可以指纸张的类别、等级、等级、光洁度或品牌。

  Grade - General term used to distinguish between or among printing papers, but whose specific meaning depends on context. Grade can refer to the category, class, rating, finish or brand of paper.

  纹理 - 纸张中的纤维具有类似于人体肌肉纤维的纹理方向。纸张的“纹理”折叠效果最好,与纸张的纹理方向平行。有时需要将纸张对着纹理折叠,这会导致折叠更加不规则,并且沿折痕出现裂缝。随着纸张厚度的增加,这种效果更加明显,并且“刻痕”纸张成为平滑折叠的要求。

  Grain - the fibers in a sheet paper have a grain direction similar to like the muscle fibers in the human body. Paper folds best “with the grain,” parallel to the paper's grain direction. Sometimes a paper needs to be folded against the grain, which results in a more irregular fold with cracks along the crease. This effect is more noticeable as the paper thickness increases and “scoring” the paper becomes a requirement for a smooth looking fold.

  纹理方向 - 纸张中的纤维在制造过程中对齐的主要方向。也称为机器方向。

  Grain Direction - Predominant direction in which fibers in paper become aligned during manufacturing. Also called machine direction.

  粒纹长纸 - 纤维与纸张的长边平行的纸张。也称为长纹纸和窄幅纸。

  Grain Long Paper - Paper whose fibers run parallel to the long dimension of the sheet. Also called long grain paper and narrow web paper.

  纹理短纸- 纤维与纸张的短尺寸平行的纸张。也称为短纹纸和宽幅纸。

  Grain Short Paper - Paper whose fibers run parallel to the short dimension of the sheet. Also called short grain paper and wide web paper.

  克重 - 纸张的基本重量,以克每平方米 (gsm) 为单位。

  Grammage - Basis weight of paper in grams per square meter (gsm).

  图形艺术 - 与在纸张和其他基材上设计和印刷相关的工艺、行业和专业。

  Graphic Arts - The crafts, industries and professions related to designing and printing on paper and other substrates.

  印刷艺术胶片 - 与连续色调胶片相比,其乳液产生的高对比度图像适合印刷机复制。也称为平版胶卷和复制胶卷。

  Graphic Arts Film - Film whose emulsion yields high contrast images suitable for reproduction by a printing press, as compared to continuous-tone film. Also called litho film and repro film.

  平面设计 - 字体和视觉元素的排列以及纸张、墨水颜色和印刷工艺的规格,当它们组合在一起时,传达视觉信息。

  Graphic Design - Arrangement of type and visual elements along with specifications for paper, ink colors and printing processes that, when combined, convey a visual message.

  图形 - 补充类型的视觉元素,使打印的信息更加清晰或有趣。

  Graphics - Visual elements that supplement type to make printed messages more clear or interesting.

  凹版印刷 - 使用蚀刻有数百万个容纳墨水的小孔的金属滚筒进行印刷的方法。

  Gravure - Method of printing using metal cylinders etched with millions of tiny wells that hold ink.

  灰平衡 - 打印的青色、品红色和黄色半色调网点准确再现中性灰色图像。

  Gray Balance - Printed cyan, magenta and yellow halftone dots that accurately, reproduce a neutral gray image.

  灰色组件替换 - 用黑色墨水替换黄色、青色和洋红色胶片中的灰色调的技术,在分色时制作。简称 GCR。也称为消色差。

  Gray Component Replacement - Technique of replacing gray tones in the yellow, cyan and magenta films, made while color separating, with black ink. Abbreviated GCR. Also called achromatic color removal.

  灰度级 - 计算机可以再现的不同灰度的数量。

  Gray Levels - Number of distinct gray tones that can be reproduced by a computer.

  灰度 - 从白色到黑色的灰度值条。 过程相机和扫描仪操作员使用它来校准胶片和印版的曝光时间。 也称为阶梯楔。

  Gray Scale - Strip of gray values ranging from white to black. Used by process camera and scanner operators to calibrate exposure times for film and plates. Also called step wedge.

  夹持器 - 印刷机或复印机用来将纸张拉过机器的纸张边缘的区域。 无法在该区域打印。 也称为进料边和前边。

  Gripper - an area at the edge of a sheet of paper that the printing press or copier uses to pull the paper through the machine. It is not possible to print in this area. Also called feeding edge and leading edge.

  磨木纸(木质纸) - 新闻纸和其他廉价纸,由木片机械研磨而不是化学精炼制成的纸浆制成。

  Groundwood Paper - Newsprint and other inexpensive paper made from pulp created when wood chips are ground mechanically rather than refined chemically.

  GSM - 纸张重量的计量单位(克每平方米)。

  GSM - The unit of measurement for paper weight (grams per square meter).

  装订线 - 在图书区,内边距朝向背面或装订边缘。

  Gutter - In the book arena, the inside margins toward the back or the binding edges.


