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2022-04-24 行业标准 加入收藏



  手风琴 (“M”) 折叠 - 三个锯齿形折叠,带有 8 个面板(3 个方向相反的平行折叠)。手风琴褶皱的每个面板尺寸相同。

  Accordion (“M”) Fold - Three zigzag folds with 8 panels (3 parallel folds that go in opposite directions). Each panel of the accordion fold is the same size.

  无酸纸 - 由含有很少或不含酸的纸浆制成的纸,因此可以抵抗老化变质。也称为碱性纸、中性 pH 纸、档案纸、永久纸和论文纸。

  Acid-free Paper - Paper made from pulp containing little or no acid so it resists deterioration from age. Also called alkaline paper, neutral pH paper, archival paper, permanent paper and thesis paper.

  抗酸剂 - 在蚀刻之前应用于印刷厂金属板的耐酸保护涂层。

  Acid Resist - An acid-proof protective coating applied to the metal plates in a printing plant prior to etching.

  加色 - 与减色相比,光落在表面上产生的颜色。加色原色是红色、绿色和蓝色。

  Additive Color - Color produced by light falling onto a surface, as compared to subtractive color. The additive primary colors are red, green and blue.

  A4 纸 - 用于信头纸的 ISO 纸(尺寸 210 x 297 毫米)。

  A4 Paper - ISO paper used for Letterhead (size 210 x 297mm).

  逆纹理 - 与所用纸张的纹理方向成直角,如果不先对纸张进行划痕,通常会使纸张的折叠更加困难。

  Against the Grain - At right angles to the grain direction of the paper being used, often making folding of the paper more difficult without scoring the paper first.

  阳极氧化板 - 具有经过处理的表面的胶印板,以减少长时间使用时的磨损。

  Anodized Plate - An offset printing plate having a treated surface in order to reduce wear for extended use.

  抗污损粉末 - 当纸张离开印刷机时,细粉末以雾状喷洒在铜版纸的印刷表面上。 又称粉尘、胶印粉和喷粉。

  Anti-offset Powder - Fine powder sprayed as a mist over the printed surface of coated paper as sheets leave a printing press. Also called dust, offset powder and spray powder.

  古董纸 - 胶版纸上提供的最粗糙的饰面。

  Antique Paper - Roughest finish offered on offset paper.

  水性涂料 - 一种应用于印刷纸的水基密封剂,以减少划痕和指纹并增强视觉外观。 水性涂料(有光泽、无光泽和缎面光泽)比清漆更耐用。Aqueous Coating - a water based sealant applied to printed paper to reduce scratching and fingerprints & enhance visual appearance. Aqueous coating (available in gloss, dull, and satin sheens) is more durable than varnish.

  基本重量 - 在美国和加拿大,切割成基本尺寸的一令(500 张)纸的重量(以磅为单位)。也称为令重量和物质重量(子重量)。在使用 ISO 纸张尺寸的国家/地区,一平方米纸张的重量(以克为单位)。也称为克重和令重。

  Basis Weight - In the US and Canada, the weight (in pounds) of a ream (500 sheets) of paper cut to the basic size. Also called ream weight and substance weight (sub weight). In countries using ISO paper sizes, the weight (in grams) of one square meter of paper. Also called grammage & ream weight.

  装订 - 用订书钉、胶水、电线、塑料或其他方式将页面或签名连接在一起。Bind - The joining of pages or signatures together with staples, glue, wire, plastic or other means.装订部——印刷厂内执行折叠、整理、模切、修整等工作的部门。

  Bindery - The department within a printing facility that performs folding, collating, die cutting, trimming, etc.

  橡皮布 - 橡胶涂层垫,安装在胶印机的滚筒上,从印版接收着墨图像并将其转移到要印刷的表面。

  Blanket - Rubber-coated pad, mounted on a cylinder of an offset press, that receives the inked image from the plate and transfers it to the surface to be printed.

  出血 - 一个印刷术语,指的是在裁切后超出纸张边缘的印刷油墨。图稿中所需的出血是少量的“额外”空间(通常为 1/8 英寸),在该空间中,图稿继续通过文档边缘,以允许纸张尺寸和设备配准能力的微小变化。没有出血的文档可能会导致成品件的边缘有薄薄的白色区域,或者文件被修剪得比预期的要小一些。出血对于小册子或任何折叠的文件尤其必要。

  Bleed - A printing term referring to printing ink that goes beyond the edge of a sheet of paper after trimming. The required bleed in the artwork is a small amount of "extra" space (usually 1/8") where the art continues past the document edge to allow for small variations in paper size and equipment registration capabilities. A document without bleed can result in finished pieces showing a thin area of white on the edge or a document being trimmed slightly smaller than desired. Bleed is especially necessary for booklets or any document that folds.


  Bond paper - Category of paper commonly used for writing, printing and photocopying. Also called business paper, communication paper, correspondence paper and writing paper.

  书本纸 - 适用于书籍、杂志、目录、广告和一般印刷需求的纸张类别。书本纸分为无铜版纸(又称胶版纸)、铜版纸(又称铜版纸、搪瓷纸、光面纸和光面纸)和文字纸。

  Book Paper - Category of paper suitable for books, magazines, catalogs, advertising and general printing needs. Book paper is divided into uncoated paper (also called offset paper), coated paper (also called art paper, enamel paper, gloss paper and slick paper) and text paper.

  亮度 - 纸张的光彩。一张纸的亮度衡量它反射的蓝光的百分比。一张纸的亮度通常以 1 到 100 的等级表示,其中 100 是最亮的。大多数纸张反射 60-90% 的光。纸张的亮度会影响可读性、对墨水颜色的感知以及明暗色调之间的对比度。

  Brightness - the brilliance of a paper. The brightness of a sheet of paper measures the percentage of blue light it reflects. The brightness of a piece of paper is typically expressed on a scale of 1 to 100 with 100 being the brightest. Most papers reflect 60-90% of light. The brightness of a paper affects readability, the perception of ink color and the contrast between light and dark hues.

  对接套准 - 与搭接套准相比,在油墨颜色精确相遇的地方套准,不会重叠或留有空间。 也称为对接和接吻记录。

  Butt Register - Register where ink colors meet precisely without overlapping or allowing space between, as compared to lap register. Also called butt fit and kiss register.


  C1S - paper that is coated on only one side of the sheet — "coated one side."

  C1S=Coated one side


  C2S - paper that is coated on both sides of the sheet — "coated two sides."

  C2S=Coated two sides

  压光机 - 在制造过程中通过在辊之间压纸来使纸张表面光滑。

  Calender - To make the surface of paper smooth by pressing it between rollers during manufacturing.

  cmyk - 用于“全彩”印刷的青色、品红色、黄色和基色(黑色)油墨。

  卡尺 - 纸张或其他基材的厚度,以千分之一英寸(密耳或磅)、每英寸页数 (ppi)、千分之一毫米 (微米) 或每厘米页数 (ppc) 表示。也用作检测双张纸的单张纸印刷机或检测缺少签名或插页的装订机上的设备的名称。

  Caliper - Thickness of paper or other substrate expressed in thousandths of an inch (mils or points), pages per inch (ppi), thousandths of a millimeter (microns) or pages per centimeter (ppc). Also used as the name for a device on a sheet-fed press that detects double sheets or on a binding machine that detects missing signatures or inserts.

  无碳复写纸 - 涂有化学物质的纸,可以通过书写或打字的压力将图像从一张纸转移到另一张纸上。

  Carbonless Paper - Paper coated with chemicals that enable transfer of images from one sheet to another with pressure from writing or typing.


