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2022-04-24 行业标准 加入收藏


  外壳装订 - 使用胶水将签名固定在由布、塑料或皮革覆盖的粘合剂板制成的外壳上。又称布装订、版装订、硬装订、硬皮装订。

  Case Bind - To bind using glue to hold signatures to a case made of binder board covered with fabric, plastic or leather. Also called cloth bind, edition bind, hard bind and hard cover.

  铸涂纸 - 高光泽的涂层纸,通过将纸压在抛光的热金属鼓上而制成,同时涂层仍然是湿的。

  Cast-coated Paper - High gloss, coated paper made by pressing the paper against a polished, hot, metal drum while the coating is still wet.

  目录纸 - 评级为 #4 或 #5 的涂层纸,基重从 35# 到 50#(50 到 75 gsm),通常用于目录和杂志。

  Catalog Paper - Coated paper rated #4 or #5 with basis weight from 35# to 50# (50 to 75 gsm) commonly used for catalogs and magazines.

  链点 - 椭圆点的替代术语,之所以这么称呼,是因为中间调点在两点接触,所以看起来像链中的链接。也是角接触的任何中间调点的通用术语。

  Chain Dot - Alternate term for elliptical dot, so called because midtone dots touch at two points, so look like links in a chain. Also a generic term for any midtone dots whose corners touch.

  链线 - 铺设纸中间隔较宽的线。也用于指由跟踪引起的打印图像上的瑕疵。

  Chain Lines - Widely spaced lines in laid paper. Also used to refer to blemishes on printed images caused by tracking.

  粉化 - 由于墨水吸收到纸张中过快或长时间暴露在紫外线或阳光下而导致打印图像变质。

  Chalking - Deterioration of a printed image caused by ink that absorbs into paper too rapidly or has had extended exposure to uv or sun light.

  检查副本 - 经客户验证的出版物的生产证明副本,印刷、完成和装订正确。也指一组收集的经客户批准准备装订的书签名。

  Check Copy - Production proof copy of a publication verified by the customer as printed, finished and bound correctly. Also refers to one set of gathered book signatures approved by the customer as ready for binding.

  扼流圈 - 略微减小图像尺寸以创建细线陷阱或勾勒轮廓的技术。也称为收缩和瘦身。

  Choke - Technique of slightly reducing the size of an image to create a hairline trap or to outline. Also called shrink and skinny.

  cmyk——青色、品红色、黄色和键(黑色)的缩写——全彩色印刷中使用的四种墨水颜色,是彩色照片。CMYK - Abbreviation for cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black) –the four ink colors used in full color process printing, an is colored photographs.

  铜版纸 - 铜版纸具有表面密封剂,通常含有粘土。铜版纸通过限制墨水吸收到纸张表面来最大限度地减少“网点增益”,从而获得更清晰的图像,尤其是照片和其他半色调图像。涂层纸具有与光泽相关的涂层选项:光泽、哑光、无光泽和缎面饰面。

  Coated Paper - a coated paper stock has a surface sealant and often contains clay. Coated papers tend to minimize “dot gain” by restricting ink from absorbing into the surface of the paper allowing for crisper images, particularly photos and other halftone images. Coated stocks have coating options related to sheen: gloss, matte, dull and satin finishes.

  颜色平衡 - 指模拟原始照片颜色的印刷色 (CMYK) 的数量和比例。

  Color Balance - Refers to amounts and ratios of process colors (CMYK) that simulate the colors of the original photograph.

  偏色 - 影响整个图像或图像部分的不需要的颜色。

  Color Cast - Unwanted color affecting an entire image or portion of an image.

  颜色控制条 - 印张上的小块颜色条,用于观察油墨流动特征,例如密度和网点扩大。也称为色条、颜色指南和标准偏移色条。通常使用称为密度计的机械设备进行评估。

  Color Control Bar - Strip of small blocks of color on a press sheet to observe ink flow features such as density and dot gain. Also called color bar, color guide and standard offset color bar. Usually evaluated with a mechanical device called a densitometer.

  颜色校正 - 调整印刷色之间的关系以获得理想的颜色。

  Color Correct - To adjust the relationship among the process colors to achieve desirable colors.

  颜色曲线 - 计算机软件中用于操作或校正颜色的调整。

  Color Curves - Adjustments in computer software that manipulate or correct colors.


  CEPS (Color Electronic Prepress System) - Computer, scanner, printer and other hardware and software designed for image assembly, color correction, retouching and output onto proofing materials, film or printing plates.

  色域 - 使用特定设备(例如计算机屏幕 (RGB) 或系统,例如四色印刷 (CMYK))可以再现的整个色调范围。Color Gamut - The entire range of hues possible to reproduce using a specific device, such as a computer screen (RGB), or system, such as four-color process printing (CMYK).

  颜色键 - 覆盖颜色证明的品牌名称。 有时用作任何覆盖颜色证明的通用术语。

  Color Key - Brand name for an overlay color proof. Sometimes used as a generic term for any overlay color proof.

  颜色管理 - 校准和控制各种设备之间的颜色准确性,例如显示器、扫描仪、打印机和印刷机。

  Color Management - calibrating and controlling color accuracy between various devices, such as monitors, scanners, printers, and printing presses.

  分色 - 使用相机、扫描仪或计算机分割连续色调彩色图像的技术

  Color Separation - Technique of using a camera, scanner or computer to divide continuous-tone color image


